Moviegoers chose to have their popcorn with a side of Mexican

Mar 05, 2001 by Ian Evans

For the first time in four weeks, Hannibal was not the top film at the weekend box office.

That honor went to the Brad Pitt/[textileRef:65245447367d16ca1ea3e5:linkStartMarker:“Julia Roberts”:/cr/juliaroberts] flick The Mexican which took in an estimated $20.3 million. Even the David Arquette kiddie film See Spot Run beat Anthony Hopkin’s Hannibal Lecter by a human hair as it brought in about $10.2 million.

Poor old Monkeybone though still didn’t crack the top 10, bringing in a paltry $1 million. The $70 million dollar Brendan Fraser film better hope it becomes a huge video cult flick.