Alec Baldwin tossed from American Airlines flight
Dec 07, 2011 by Ian Evans

Alec Baldwin, pictured here at the 15th Annual SAG Awards, was tossed from an American Airlines flight when he didn’t turn off his phone.
30 Rock star Alec Baldwin was tossed from an American Airlines flight at LAX yesterday when he continued playing smartphone game “Words with Friends” after a flight attendant asked him to shut off his electronic devices.
Baldwin spokesman Matthew Hiltzik joked that, “He loves ‘Words with Friends’ so much that he was willing to leave a plane for it” thought it’s not clear if inconvenienced passengers would see the joke.
Baldwin, who takes to Twitter often, tweeted several times about the incident:
“Flight attendant on American reamed me out 4 playing WORDS W FRIENDS while we sat at the gate, not moving. #nowonderamericaairisbankrupt”
“#theresalwaysunited Last flight w American. Where retired Catholic school gym teachers from the 1950’s find jobs as flight attendants.”
“United shud hav app onboard where u can play WWF w other passengers. American shud have app where u read the new testament w flt attendants”