General Evans Above Archive for May 08, 2003
And the number one reason to walk by Letterman is…
May 08, 2003 – permalink
During our walk today we went in search of the Hello Deli, arriving just in time to see Marilyn Manson, Megan Mullaly and Johnny Knoxville leaving the Ed Sullivan Theater.
Celebrity Sightings
May 08, 2003 – permalink
Walking through the Times Square area this evening we saw both Darryl Strawberry and John Corbett. John Lennon was right about New Yorkers:
“They don’t bug you.”
Nobody hounded Strawberry. They shouted out his name, he acknowledged them and they kept going.
Crossing the Street
May 08, 2003 – permalink
It’s been a few years since I’ve been in New York and I’d forgotten how much New Yorkers completely disregard traffic lights. Sometimes you see fifty people crossing the street and you join them, only to realize that these fifty people have simultaneously decided that they can beat the truck bearing down on them.
Fast Construction
May 08, 2003 – permalink
Man, I can’t believe how fast construction is these days. As I mentioned in an earlier post, our hotel room is directly across from Ground Zero in Lower Manhattan. The site is under ‘round-the-clock construction as they fix the transportation routes that were destroyed in the attacks and prepare for the construction of new buildings on the site. In just a few days, they’ve done quite a bit of construction. Amazing.