Will Disney dump Miley Cyrus?
Jul 14, 2008- Permalink
Okay, so the fibre optics, microwaves, and two cans with a string that make up the internet are burning today with the news that more racy photos of Miley Cyrus, supposedly hacked off her cellphone, are out there. Miley in the shower with a wet t-shirt. Miley with her t-shirt tucked under her breasts as she pouts for the camera and blows a kiss. Miley with a donkey from Tijuana. What? Oh, I’ve just been informed the last one doesn’t exist. My bad.
This is not the first time that Miley Cyrus has been involved in a photo scandal involving photos she’s taken. Of course her handlers threw up a big smoke screen with the whole Annie Leibovitz/Vanity Fair cover shoot “scandal”. Yes, let’s get everyone talking about photos done for a magazine while handlers were around and make everyone forget that Miley’s hobbies include lifting her t-shirt up and pouting.
Of course, Miley’s career was created by Disney with Hannah Montana and what the Mouse giveth, the Mouse can taketh away. If your 15-year-old star can’t act like a Disney kid, well, they always have Camp Rock’s Demi Lovato ready to take her place as their golden child.
So the big question is: Will Disney dump Miley Cyrus?