Did someone capture Bigfoot?
Aug 15, 2008- Permalink
The net is abuzz with the recent Bigfoot story, where Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer claim to have found a Bigfoot corpse while hiking. Today, along with Bigfoot hunter Tom Biscardi, the trio held a press conference. Except for the photo that’s making the rounds, they offered up no new evidence and said more news would have to wait until after Monday.
“Starting Monday I should have assembled some fine scientists that will do the autopsy to find the origin and death of this creature, and at that point in time we will make it known and hopefully we’ll get somebody to come in and film it,” Biscardi said, “to show it to the world as it’s being done. I want to get to the bottom of it.”
Since it’s a slow entertainment news day, and it’s Friday, and what the heck, why not vote on our Bigfoot survey.