Michael Pena, Loretta Devine, Sandra Bullock, Don Cheadle, Thandie Newton, Jennifer Esposito, Shaun Toub, Chris Ludacris Bridges, William Fichtner, Matt Dillon, Larenz Tate, Terrence Howard, Bahar Soomekh, Ryan Phillippe and Beverly Todd
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Picture of Michael Pena, Loretta Devine, Sandra Bullock, Don Cheadle, Thandie Newton, Jennifer Esposito, Shaun Toub, Chris Ludacris Bridges, William Fichtner, Matt Dillon, Larenz Tate, Terrence Howard, Bahar Soomekh, Ryan Phillippe and Beverly Todd attending the 12th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards
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Photographed by Christine Lambert Published: January 30, 2006
Photographed by Christine Lambert Published: January 30, 2006
Visit our coverage of the 12th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards.